Join the Geodesy and Active Tectonics Lab! Are you interested in earthquakes, mountains, applied math, and/or programing? Email to find out more about research opportunities for undergraduates and Master's students.
Eileen L. Evans
Associate Professor
B.A. University of California, Berkeley (2007); M.A. University of California, Berkeley (2008); PhD Harvard University (2014); USGS Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellow (2014-2017); Assistant Professor CSUN (2018-2024)
Monica Diaz
Graduate Student​
Shyane Cornell
Undergraduate Student​
Jeng Hann Chong
MS 2021, now PhD candidate at University of New Mexico​
Abigail Travers
MS 2024, now PhD student at Michigan State University​
Jayson Sellars​
Shaparak Salek​
Ian Podmore
BS 2021, now PhD candidate at University of New Mexico​
Jordy Rataizer
BS 2024​